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  • My Garden

If we learn to feed our soil using Mother Nature’s helpers,
composting worms, then our soil will feed us!

Red Wiggler Composting Worms

Red Wiggler Composting Worms

Benefits of Worm Composting:
Make your own organic fertilizer
Use your household kitchen scraps
No more chemical fertilizers |
Indoors – does not attract wildlife
Worms work 23/7, 365 days a yr.

No Mess, No Smell, Super Easy!

No Mess, No Smell, Super Easy!

Worms produce the best 100% totally organic soil/fertilizer there is – rich humous with over a billion beneficial microbes in every tablespoon! Vermicompost (worm castings) added to the soil makes a world of difference. Nothing beats it and your plants will love you!

The Difference Is Amazing!

The Difference Is Amazing!

Plants can grow up to 130% larger with vermicompost. The Morning Glory plant on the left was watered with a vermicompost water and the same plant on the left got plain water.  See for yourself…